The purpose of this section has been for you to locate a trailing site as close as possible to your home where you can regularly do the Basic Practice for 30-60 minutes. If there are restrictions that would prevent you from continuing for longer than an hour (depending on substrate, this will not likely take the beginner very far at all), then you will need another site, but locating the second site is for an exercise in the Beginner section.
If you are not yet satisfied with the site where you have worked so far, then go through the exercises again at another location. You don’t need to do the exercises one-by-one anymore, though. Work with all or some of them in any given outing, exploring alternative sites until you are satisfied that you have done your best to choose a location for your Basic Practice. Do make notes on your journal about the exercises you used that day. Sometimes, it is in the making of the notes that we discover the direction we need to go.
Once you have chosen a spot, congratulations! Thank you for beginning a journey that I personally have found deeply gratifying and at times, breath-taking! You are now ready to move on to the next section of Trailing Wildlife.
© Nate Harvey, 2015